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Grace Outreach Team

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel…”Mark 16:15 
Throughout the body of Christ God is motivating and sending forth labourers to work in whited plentiful fields of grain. He’s already promised us that “the harvest truly is great…”. Jesus directed us not to pray for a harvest of souls, for that has already been largely guaranteed. He told us to pray for “Christ-Sent” labourers to gather in the already enormous harvest of lost souls, that they be won to Christ. It is of neccesity for you to comprehend that since you’ve been Holy Ghost filled, you are a guaranteed soul winner. If you labour you will reap lost souls for Christ. With Christ in you, your witness is already effective. Be not excluded, the HARVEST is waiting for you! In absolute concordance with the vision of the Grace Apostolic Church, the Holy Ghost has prompted us to better fulfill our labouring assignment together. Here you will find a few areas of the Grace Outreach Team in which you can involve yourself as we carry GRACE to the lost and labour for the kingdom of God together.
  • E.L.Hardy Community Center 
  • Campus Ministry 
  • Nursing Home Outreach 
  • Hospital Visitation
  • Women at the Well
  • Hot meals for the Homeless 
  • The Writers Wink
  • Street Preaching and Community Canvassing 
  • Quarterly Family Night
  • New College Student Aid 
  • Visitor Follow-Up 
  • Phone/Cards 
  • Prison Ministry
  • Street/Tracts
  • Tent City Ministry
E.L. Hardy Center: to provide the children a safe nurturing environment free from bullying or intimidation. Our programs provide school based instruction but also a place to be exposed to things that may not be normally available to them; like computer instruction, life skills, nutrition, chess, fencing, lego robotics, martial arts, unicycle instruction, homework help, tutoring, and hot healthy meals every day of operation. We know the children to leave our programs better prepared to excel in school and in life.
For more information go to
Global Evangelism: To assist the pastor by encouraging an ever expanding International Missions consciousness and involvement in the church, promoting the spread of the Gospel world-wide as well as within our city.
NEW CONVERT CARE: To assist the pastor by seeing that the basic needs of each individual that comes to the Lord are met; i.e., Instruction, fellowship and involvement.
PERSONAL EVANGELISM: To assist the pastor by involving the membership in reaching and ministering to the lost, hurting, and needy; to take the Word of God outside the walls of Grace Apostolic Church
Contact Elder Charles Miller for information on how to be apart of the G.O. Team.
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