Worship Arts & Technology
The Worship Arts and Technology Ministry at Grace is a group of individuals whose sole purpose is to seek God in the context of an environment of worship. We are a melting pot of ages, backgrounds, skill-levels and talents.
Our Team consist of:​
Audio/Visual - Brotherhood Choir - Dance Ministry - Drama Ministry - Grace Kids Choir
Mass Choir - Media/Social Media/Marketing - Praise & Worship Team - Women's Choir
Youth Worship Ensemble
Our Team Leaders
What We Do
Worship is a vital component of what we do and who we are. We believe that genuine worship is more than song or dance -- it's a lifestyle. Thus, we must have a lifestyle of praise, prayer, worship and warfare. Members of our Worship Arts and technology ministry bring our unique offerings together to produce a unified Sound. This unified sound is a medley of praise, prayer, worship, and warfare.
This sound magnifies the name of Jesus Christ and spiritually edifies the body of Christ. We aim to please God in our worship through the arts and value the disicpline necessary to cultivate our crafts and gifts.
What You can Do
Have interest or gift in Singing, Audio/Visual production, Graphic Design, Worship Band, Choir, Pulpit Design,Dance Ministry, and Drama? Come Join our Team.
​​Contact us:
Email: devyn.coleman@gmail.com
Phone: 614.267.8076​